•  25/04/2022 12:37

Part 1 of the Glendahurk Horseshoe trek sees me overnight on Bengorm to capture a sunset, sunrise and some astrophotography of the Milkyway.

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  •  27/03/2022 22:58

A short trek into the Maumturks on Mothers Day to visit the secluded Chapel at Mámean in Connemara.

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  •  20/02/2022 18:57

A short hike to the Nephin Begs to see if the snowy mountains could deliver a good photograph and also to do a short reconnaissance for a bigger hike planned for later in the year.

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  •  05/12/2021 22:09

An early start to capture a winter sunrise at Keem Bay in Achill, followed by a journey to Ireland's fourth longest lake name, (with 22 letters), Loughaunfiddaunbuntack between Corraun hill and Cartron Coilte Forest near Mullranny.

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  •  11/10/2021 11:48

A Sunday trek across the Partry mountains to get an unrivaled view of Lough Glenawough seemed like a good idea at the time until I realized I'd have to trudge all the way back again through the bog. However, on the way back, a lucky find caps off a fantastic day.

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  •  27/09/2021 11:06

Since the coming of Autumn, I have spent some time in the local woods photographing the flora in the form of the different types of wild mushrooms and fungi which can be found there and are abundant this time of year.

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  •  12/09/2021 20:25

Nothing like a good walk in the hills will do to get over the recent loss for Mayo of yet another GAA Championship final.

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  •  26/07/2021 14:14

A few moody shots taken in the Erriff Woods near Leenaun during the recent heat wave.

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  •  19/07/2021 12:13

In the past, whenever I was in the area, I would frequently look up at Ben Gorm and ponder how people were able to climb and cross the seemingly steep pinnacle that is visible from Ashleigh Falls. I finally decided it was time to see it for myself—how it was done and what was at the summit—because I assumed it had to be a difficult climb!

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  •  05/07/2021 10:10

A few years back, "The Wild Nephin Project," a massive endeavour to rewild a portion of this County, was revealed, and it was on my mind while I was strolling the Letterkeen Loop walk lately. I questioned whether the goal of turning this part of the Nephin Begs into a true "Wilderness" area was still on course. In this blog, I provide a brief description of the walk itself as well as a story that highlights some of the noteworthy discoveries I made upon returning home and doing some more research on the subject.

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  •  28/06/2021 18:37

A day trip to climb Buckoogh Mountain in the Nephin Begs.

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